Evan Vacchiano


Evan Vacchiano Headshot

Evan Vacchiano started his career working in the Entertainment industry after graduating from the University of Michigan in 2018. He worked on several Television shows and Movies in Hollywood. Evan then moved to the representation space to work at a major Talent Agency in Beverly, Hills booking Actors and Comedians all around the world.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, he quickly moved home to help his family when he found out his father had been diagnosed with an extremely rare case of two separate stage IV cancers. Evan essentially became his father's 24/7 caretaker, taking him to numerous appointments, chemos, radiations, and surgeries. While waiting at his father's treatments, Evan decided to take online classes ranging from probability to finance to SQL databases and computer science to improve his skills and become a more well-rounded individual.

This website was built by himself from scratch after taking a web design course. Evan is now pursuing a career in business that incorporates his past Entertainment industry experience and his interests in emerging tech. Some of his hobbies include: Golf, Soccer, Chess, Snowboarding, Running, and Stock Market Watching.